Managing your time

Mastering the art of Time Management is vital to academic success. Students around the globe learn about this sooner or later. The best students are not necessarily those who are smarter but those who have mastered the art of time management. When you effectively plan your days, weeks in advance, you are likely to be more productive with time. Mastering the art of time management is painstaking but it allows you to get the most out of life.

Once you have decided to effectively manage your time, the 5 strategies below could help you to make a profound impact in life.

Control your time:

The goal of this strategy is to help you gain total control over your time rather than it controlling you. Take ownership of your time which is the essence of life. When you control your time, it helps you to have a clearer picture of the upcoming days, weeks and months. It is a means to discover how much time you have left to study, leisure and other activities.

Access your time

To own your time is not enough, you need to critically measure how productive you are with time. Sometimes, we put too much time into a task only to be disappointed with lesser results. The only way to measure how busy your day is vis a vis the efforts invested is to take a personal time management. Ensure you track and assess how the spent week spanned.

Set a goal

The main essence of time management is to allocate time per task wisely so you can achieve the set out goals. Draw up your goal for the term/semester, what do you intend to achieve and set time accordingly. This futuristic planning increases your awareness and help you to squander time on futile task.

 Make a schedule 

After setting your goals/priorities, set up a time schedule that respect such priorities. There are a wide range of students planners, diaries, organizers and electronic time management tool. Choose the one that is best suitable for you. You can plan a day, week or month ahead depending on your capability. Make sure whatever you schedule is comfortable for you and easy to follow.

Schedule For Your Children During Holiday Period 

Morning Devotion … 6:00 a.m - 6:30 a.m 

Dressing of bed: 6:30 a.m - 7;00 a.m 

Personal Cleanup: 7:00 a.m - 7:15 a.m

Domestic Chores: 7:15 a.m - 8 a.m 

Shower: 8 a.m - 9:00 a.m 

Breakfast: 9 a.m - 9:30 a.m 

Short Rest: 9 a.m - 10 a.m 

Homework/Reading and other recreational activities: 10:00 p.m - 1:00 p.m

Lunch: 1:00 p.m

Siesta and Quiet Time: 1:00 p.m - 3:00 p.m

Walk/Sport and other recreational activities: 3:00 p.m - 4:00 p.m

Domestic Chores: 4:00 p.m - 4:30 p.m

Shower: 4:30 p.m - 5:00 p.m

Relaxation with parents, watching movies and dinner: 5:pm - 7:00 p.m

Light Reading/Learning: 7:00 p.m - 8:00 p.m

Night Devotion/ Reflections/ Family Interactive Session: 8:pm - 9:00 p.m

Storytime/Light Out: 9:pm 

Plan some time to relax 

You are not a machine. Don’t fill up your calendar with activities. Create time to relax and sleep so your mind and body can be refreshed for the task and day ahead. Ensure you get a good night's sleep everyday. A body deprived of good sleep won’t function at maximum capacity.

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Nwajei Babatunde

Content Creator for Vanaplus Group.

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