As a mom, it’s not an easy task trying to juggle a full time job with a family life.
The divided attention between family and work can cause you a feeling of guilt and stress being a full time working mother. The key to happiness here is to focus on a plan, and remain organized by striking a balance between profession and family.
Here are ways you can flourish between home and family

Do away with guilt:
Instead of you dwelling on the fact that you are not or don’t spend quality time with your child, think about the benefits of the role in the company to the family. How it has helped you to afford certain basic needs such as certain classes for educational advancement and savings for college.
Get Quality Daycare
Ask the league of friends and family to suggest experienced nannies, babysitters and daycare centres. Make a list of criteria that are important and ensure the selected one is the most qualified.
This will go a long way to show that the selected daycare centre has an excellent experience and can be adaptable to various groups, taking care of both older children and younger ones who need housework help.
Plan mornings ahead
Avoid starting your morning on a completely exhausted note by planning the night before. Arrange the kids’ lunch bags, separate their clothes, yours inclusive. Ensure you decide on the breakfast to make, backpacks, purses, diaper bag and place them by the door, right next to your keys so that you can grab them on your way out the next morning.
Scan through the next day’s to-do list and divide the schedule based on priority.

Create a family calendar
Identify your family’s priorities. Draw up a calendar that includes when bills are due, a list of school and family activities, birthdays, outings and more. You can synced these dates on Google calendar on your smartphone so it can be shared with other family members and also to be on top of the challenges of scheduling.

Stay Connected to them
For moms with younger children, you can stay connected with your children even when you are away. You can do a voice note or video recording to them. If you’re going to miss or come late to an event that matters to them, especially the older ones, give them something special in the morning, something charming or a personal note. During break at work, you can call them to hear their voice so you can get through a hectic day and they will be comforted that you’re near to them even while at work.
The divided attention between home and family can cause untold harm to the family in the long run, however, the key to happiness here is to adopt the suggestions in this piece to strike a balance between work and home.
Have you been caught in the web of family and work before? How did you manage it? Did you let go of work for the family? Does it worth it to trade career for family?
Let's hear from you. Drop you suggestion in the opinion box below.
Nwajei Babatunde
Content creator for Vanaplus group.