Huawei Unveils its Harmony OS To Rival Android

Huawei; Chinese telecom giant unveiled its own operating system on 9th August 2019 as it faces the threat of losing access to Android systems amid escalating US-China trade tensions. The head of Huawei's consumer business; Richard Yu disclosed to a press conference in the southern city of Dongguan that the new system, called HarmonyOS or HongMeng in Chinese, would bring more convenience and harmony to the world.

This highly-anticipated software has been considered very crucial for the tech group's survival as it is face-to-face with a looming White House ban on US companies selling technology products to Huawei which could lead to the removal of its access to Google's Android operating system.

Yu referred to the new system as a "future-oriented OS" to be "more smooth and secure".  He emphasized that it was completely different from Android and iOS.

The first version of the operating system as stated by Huawei would launch later this year in its smart screen products, and later expand across a range of smart devices, including wearable technology over the next three years.

According to Yu, the new OS can be applied to their smartphones at any time and added that they gave priority to using Google's Android operating system, which is compatible with Harmony.

What do you think about this development? Will this affect the demand for Huawei devices positively or negatively? 

Share your thoughts with us in the comment box.

You can check out Huawei phone collections here 

Sayo Alabi

Content creator for Vanaplus Group.

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