Shop Smartphones at Unbeatable Discounts
As much as quite a number of individuals would like to trade their Android phones for iPhones if they have the means, there are some of us that believe that the Android OS is still the best gang to belong and here are a few reasons:
Smartphones at every Price
You are going to agree with me that the emergence of Android has given every class of individuals opportunity to own a smart phone. This is because a large number of phones around the world runs on Android OS and so many companies build Android handsets and make them available at every available price range. There are as much android phones below N20,000.00 as those one above N100,000.00. So, no matter the category you belong to, there is always an Android phone you can buy. What more there are online stores like vanaplus.com.ng that goes as far as giving customers the privilege of paying in instalments.
This is not so with iPhones which has always been on the very expensive side with an old generation dropping in price only after a new generation has been released.
Have your phone the way you want
Android users get to customize their phones to suits their fancy. With Android OS, users can change their home screen launcher, hide apps, download and use third party apps like keyboards, web browsers and even media players. All these are not so possible with iOS
Universal USB-C
Android phones largely rely on USB to change and transfer files which is supercool and super convenient. This also opens the door to faster charging technologies as seen mostly in Infinix brands and other makers that seem to see this as a pretty cool selling point. All these cannot be found in iPhones and to me this is a disadvantage.
The fact still remains that innovative technological ideas get to Android phones first before any other.
Well, the bottom line is Android or iOS, both has advantages and disadvantages. All you need to do as a user is to identify your need, consider your budget and go for it. You do not necessarily have to break the bank cos I believe no one can actually maximize a smartphone’s features… so why the stress?
What’s your take?
Let’s know in the comment box
Alabi Olusayo
A calm, calculative and easy-going individual with the ability to perform excellently in any position of intellect. A web designer/ developer, Digital Marketer, Brand Manager, Content developer and Affiliate Manager. He is more of a listener than a talker with the passion for and to do things of God.
I find myself contented with Godly and goodly blessings with relentless efforts towards fulfilling purpose.
Bsc Hons (Computer Science) LAUTECH